A experiência de cuidar de pacientes em cuidados paliativos durante a formação médica

  • Fabíola Langaro Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
  • Ana Paula Weinrich
  • Elisangela Madureira


Palliative care is a philosophy of care that prioritizes the quality of life of people who face serious and life-threatening illnesses. This care applies to patients and their families, from the beginning of the diagnosis to the end of life and must be offered as soon as possible, as a way of relieving suffering. Given this context, this research aimed to understand the relationship of medical students about palliative care and the process of finitude from their experience of attending a palliative care outpatient clinic of a public health service. It is a qualitative, exploratory research, using the “Deck of Letters of Sacred Choices” and a semi-structured interview to collect information. The collected data were submitted to content analysis, whose objective is to search for the meanings of the materials produced in contact with the participants. The results were organized into three categories: on academic education in medicine; on how the participants deal with the process of finitude and their care; and, finally, about how the participants feel about the care provided to patients with serious and life-threatening illnesses. It was evident that students recognized that their medical training is insufficient to prepare them for work with palliative care and that there is emotional mobilization in relation to the care provided to these patients and their families. From this information, it is considered the importance of thinking about the training of the doctor and how psychology can contribute to reflections about professional health education, especially with regard to the care of critically ill patients and their families.
How to Cite
Langaro, F., Weinrich, A. P., & Madureira, E. (2021). A experiência de cuidar de pacientes em cuidados paliativos durante a formação médica. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(2), 136-163. Retrieved from https://monumenta.emnuvens.com.br/monumenta/article/view/32