Analysis of the student’s evasion in a Public High School System

Trajectories and repercussions in Joinville/SC

  • Larissa Tank de Jesus
  • Charles Henrique Voos
Keywords: scholar dropout, education, high school, Bourdieu, Joinville


Considering school dropout in high school from the state public school system an even greater reality in underprivileged communities, this article sought to identify the reasons that led students to abandon their studies, aiming to verify dropout rates in the years previous; identify the reasons for this choice and correlate these indexes to the context (s) identified. To this end, we search for official data and interviews with the directors of a public high school and students who dropped out of school at some point in their school career. Thus, it is observed that the region in which the school is located can interfere with dropout rates; in general, schools may be neglecting their efforts to rescue these students and it can be verified, according to Bourdieu's theory, that aspects of the social context may be linked with the successes or not of the students, which allows concluding that there is a relationship of meritocracy and cultural background that influence the paths that individuals take; schools could contribute more effectively to the return of these students and legislation could provide for more obligations and duties and thus the system works successfully.
How to Cite
Jesus, L. T. de, & Voos, C. H. (2021). Analysis of the student’s evasion in a Public High School System: Trajectories and repercussions in Joinville/SC. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(3), 181-201. Retrieved from