The organizational and citizenship characteristics of the Roman Public Res and the Federative Republic of Brazil

  • Anir Gava ACE/FGG
  • Victor Di Pierre Lima Mendes ACE/FGG Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
Keywords: Republic, historic evolution, rupture, republican rights.


The main goal of this article is to unravel the current republic´s structures with its normative and practical difficulties and show its resemble with the roman´s creation Res Publica, that way reaching the answer to the possible maintenance of the concept, or the rupture of the theoretical term and the concept of the public good with the social changes inherent in the modern world. Still in order to make clear the achievement of a more far-reaching Res Publica and, at the same time, more loyal to the concept of common good, or expos a systematic error, that we, as Brazilians, face, of the most experienced political organization in the contemporary world, throughout the analyses of the main norms that transform the theoretical concept into practical politics of the public good, with a look over the republican rights from Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira.
How to Cite
Gava, A., & Lima Mendes, V. D. P. (2021). The organizational and citizenship characteristics of the Roman Public Res and the Federative Republic of Brazil. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(3), 36-61. Retrieved from