Programa de Atenção Integral a Crianças com Transtornos de Aprendizagem

uma proposta de intervenção

  • Andriele Chagas Machado
  • Kédma Karla Anacleto do Carmo Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
  • Roselaine Maciel Regis Pietra


Development is the result of a series of changes that occur during life and some adverse conditions can occur that are characterized as neurodevelopmental disorders. Faced with the identification of difficulties during childhood, multiprofessional and intersectoral action is of extreme promotion to promote the child's well-being. Recognizing this, the present research aimed to analyze multidisciplinary work from the perspective of comprehensive care for children with learning disorders. It is an integrative literature review with research in scientific databases and documents from official agencies. In total, 28 publications were included that allowed the organization of three categories of analysis: demands for attention to children with learning disorders; powers and challenges of multiprofessional work and; comprehensive care program for children with learning disorders. It is considered that the whole process of supporting children with learning disorders must start from the assumption that even if there are difficulties, the capacity of each child should not be underestimated. In this process, the primary development environments of the child must be considered and the people involved are invited to develop joint support strategies to meet the child's needs and to stimulate their potential as much as possible. KEYWORDS: neurodevelopment, learning disorder, multiprofessional team.

Author Biographies

Andriele Chagas Machado
Andriele Chagas Machado: Fisioterapeuta formada pela Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
Kédma Karla Anacleto do Carmo, Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
Kédma Karla Anacleto do Carmo: Fisioterapeuta formada pela Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
Roselaine Maciel Regis Pietra
Roselaine Maciel Regis Pietra: Doutora em Educação, Professora e Orientadora da Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala, Coordenadora do Curso de Pedagogia da FGG
How to Cite
SOMMERFELD OSTETTO, C. E., Chagas Machado, A., Anacleto do Carmo, K. K., & Pietra, R. M. R. (2021). Programa de Atenção Integral a Crianças com Transtornos de Aprendizagem: uma proposta de intervenção. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(3), 76-102. Retrieved from