Epidemiological profile of people with Autism in the city of Joinville/SC

  • Daiane Martins da Costa ACE- FGG
  • Laura Teuber Furtado FGG
  • Sheilla Blank FGG
Keywords: Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Autism, Epidemiological Profile.


Autism is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder characterized by impaired communication, social interaction, and behavioral disorders. The epidemiological profile of the person with autism has been discussed since the 1960s, helping in the formulation of public policies and assistance. The objective of this research was to carry out an epidemiological survey to characterize the profile of the person diagnosed with autism, living in the city of Joinville. The study was characterized by a survey based on data collected through an electronic questionnaire that contained 13 items on clinical and epidemiological characteristics, in which it was answered by parents or guardians. In this quantitative survey, we analyzed 31 responses that helped to form the epidemiological profile of this public. This research pointed out that the gender with the highest incidence is male, the average age of diagnosis is 2.96 years; most individuals diagnosed with autism in the study have medium functionality and perform leisure activities normally; 87.1% have sensory alterations and 100% have some stereotype. All are enrolled in school and perform treatments, the most common being Occupational Therapy. The care is performed most of the time by the mother, where 58.1% say they are responsible for having perceived the first changes.  It is suggested that new research be carried out in this field, with a larger number of participants, so that a profile can be reached closer to reality and thus facilitate the development of public policies for people diagnosed with Autism in the city of Joinville.  
How to Cite
Martins da Costa, D., Furtado, L. T., & Blank, S. (2021). Epidemiological profile of people with Autism in the city of Joinville/SC. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(3), 62-75. Retrieved from https://monumenta.emnuvens.com.br/monumenta/article/view/66