A relação entre neurociência e educação infantil: o uso de tecnologias na infância e suas contribuições na prática pedagógica
Neuroscience. Neuroeducation. Early Childhood Education. Pedagogical Practices. Use of technology. Infancy.
Neuroscience has contributed significantly to the field of education, directly impacting the current Brazilian educational context. The research problem and objective aim to understand some aspects of Neuroscience and understand how its approaches to the educational field contribute to the pedagogical practice of teachers in Early Childhood Education, especially with the immersion that the electronic universe has performed within the teaching-learning process in schools. The researchers such as Oliveira (2014), Cosenza and Guerra (2011), Zimmer (2004), Guerra (2010), Hennemann (2015), Espinosa (2008), Santos and Souza (2016), Peruzzolo and Costa (2015) and some other theorists supported by legal supports and current Brazilian documents of education and pediatrics as the LDB (1996), DCNEI (1998), BNCC (2017) and SBP (2019), emerge to emphasize the research that substantiates Neuroscience and Neuroeducation, along with the child's development process in contact with electronics. Describing how the human brain develops learning through external stimulus and adding in the search to weave the teaching challenges, as the question of the teacher needs to have the knowledge of how and why the child learns so that the pedagogical proposals are directed to these functions and needs, including digital resources as facilitators and integrators of learning. The research is bibliographic and descriptive, with a qualitative approach. The experiential practice and experiences of a neuropsychopedagogical teacher, who observed great changes in Early Childhood Education, appear intrinsically, joining the theoretical foundation to weave reflections on the theme based on scientific analysis.
How to Cite
Costa Rodrigues Nepomuceno, H., & Pavanati, I. (2023). A relação entre neurociência e educação infantil: o uso de tecnologias na infância e suas contribuições na prática pedagógica. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(7), 36-71. Retrieved from https://monumenta.emnuvens.com.br/monumenta/article/view/156
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