• Cleverson da Rosa Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
  • Fabiano Furlan Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala


The aim of this study was to analyze the meanings attributed by educational and school psychologists to the learning process and the possibilities of professional performance in this field. The participants were 06 educational and school psychologists, working in public and private service. Data collection took place through the application of an online questionnaire with open and closed questions, through the Google Form application. The data analysis process was guided by Content Analysis principles based on Moraes (1999). The discussion of the data was carried out from the Historical-Cultural Psychology, having as main authors Vigotski (2007), Oliveira (2017), Tuleski (2016) and Leontiev (2004). The results reveal that: the participants demonstrated different conceptions of the role of the social and cultural dimension in the learning and development process. Thus, for some of these professionals, learning refers to a phenomenon built from human relationships, as a mediating element in the process of cultural appropriation. However, for other participants, history is understood in its materiality as mere interference, with individual characteristics being the main determinants of learning. In addition, the data reveal the need to consider the importance of the bond that the school and the teacher can build with students. It is understood, therefore, that school knowledge when worked in a dialogical way and articulated the objective reality, can provide the production of new meanings about the student's relationship with life. We emphasize the importance of the school psychologist, analyzing learning in an articulated way to the organization of the educational processes of a given school routine, thus overcoming, the view that cuts and decontextualizes the subject who learns from the educational reality in which he is part. Then, an integrated work should be carried out, together with all those involved in the student's schooling process.

Author Biography

Fabiano Furlan, Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala
Mestre em Educação pelo do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação da Univille. Graduado em Psicologia pela Univille. Professor do curso de psicologia da Associação Catarinense de Ensino - Faculdade Guilherme Guimbala.
How to Cite
da Rosa, C., & Furlan, F. (2023). DIFICULDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM: O QUE DIZEM OS PSICÓLOGOS ESCOLARES ACERCA DESTE FENÔMENO?. Monumenta - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(5), 42-73. Retrieved from https://monumenta.emnuvens.com.br/monumenta/article/view/72